Casual Vacancy Notice

Piercy Ward - 2 vacancies.
Click here to view the Casual Vacancy Notice.

Next Council Meeting

Wednesday 6th November, 2024
Agenda - When available (click here).

Latest Notices

Phone Number  
Marchwiel Community Council phone number is:
Mobile No: 07871 634941.
Email Address
Marchwiel Community Council has changed its email address due to recent hacks. From now on please email:

Marchwiel Community Information

If you wish the Clerk to email you a copy contact on: or click on the link below:
Community Information Leaflet


Audit Notice
2022/23 & 2023/24
Delay to Approve 

Click here to view. 

Annual Independent Remuneration Panel Wales
2023/24 Return 

            Click here to view.  


Marchwiel Community Council Defibrillator is connected to the North Wales Ambulance Circuit. If it is removed we will be notified of its whereabouts straight away and North Wales Ambulance will renew the pads and batteries when required.

Marchwiel Community Council's Burial Ground Fence and Railings have undergone restoration.

Recently Members asked that NO Dogs be allowed in the Burial Ground. We received one complaint. Recently a dog being walked by its lady owner in the burial ground was witnessed allowing it to do its 'business' on a grave. Please do not exercise your dogs in the Burial Ground. It is disrespectful to the family's grave and not acceptable to allow your dog to do this.

Play Area

Members were upset that the new 'Play Area equipment' they recently purchased on your behalf was vandalised. You might be shocked to hear that young primary aged children are to blame.

Marchwiel's Nature Reserve
This facility is maintained and paid for by the residents of Marchwiel in their Precept for the whole community to enjoy. You are so lucky to have this facility in your village..

Marchwiel's Nature Reserve - continues to be restored and updated. New information boards are almost complete which will inform you of the wildlife and plants living on site. A viewing platform will allow you to view birds at a closer distance. A Kingfisher pole is to be erected in the middle of the main pond so you might be lucky enough to be able to see a Kingfisher close up.

Completion of this work has and is delayed due to material costs increasing and the need to obtain new quotes. The boardwalks and kickboards have been repaired/replaced. Members are hoping to host an event where the Ranger would be present to give tours and explain what we have present.