The Rainbow Centre

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About Us
Since 1994, The Rainbow Centre (reg:1100479) has been delivering services to the rural Maelor area of Wrexham, North Wales.
Our community work is based in the Penley Rainbow Centre and within the surrounding communities.
Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of our rural community. We provide support,services and facilities that can empower people of all ages to retain as much independence as possible and enable them to access services in their locality.
The Rainbow Centre is proud to offer:
- a Day Centre for the elderly
- a Befriending project for the over 50s, (leaflet available to down load from Rainbow website)
- a Social group for the over 50s
- Mother and toddler activities
- Knit and Natter
- Memory Café
- Bingo
- 12 Free Strictly Dancing lessons
- Room hire for the community to offer their own events/activities
- Lunch Club
Additionally we also offer the following service:
- Chiropodist (monthly)
- Hairdresser (Weekly)
- Counselling Service
- Advocacy
Voluntary Opportunities
- To support all the projects and services we offer at the Centre, we rely on volunteers. If you have some time to spare helping your community and would like to become part of the Centre, please let us know.
To find out more about the Penley Rainbow Centre please access our website link